The Descent to Rise Above
A ski and ride challenge to reach a billion vertical feet
How much any one of us and to what degree we will have to grapple with a challenge that strains our mental and emotional reserves will vary. But the universal nature of the fight asks for as many opportunities to talk about and provide resources for something we all experience.
The Descent to Rise Above looks to be such an opportunity.
At its most basic, it is an invitation to participate in a challenge to raise up to $50,000 for mental wellness and resilience by skiing and riding a BILLION vertical feet in a single season. (Is that even possible? We’ll get to that in a bit.) But on a slightly more purposeful level, the Challenge looks to create chances to connect and possibly share some of the less-than-comfortable stories we all may carry. Lift rides and long runs tend to be great conversation starters. They’re also great for showcasing a boundless remedy that’s right beneath our boots: the infinite healing power offered by the outdoors. It has a potency that has been penned about by poets and proved by scientists—getting outside provides enormous restorative effects to our states of mind. And we have plenty of ‘outside’ up at Sugarbush.
The snows have already arrived at Sugarbush. It’s time to get ready. Be One of a Billion this season.

It’s simple: download either the Sugarbush or Ikon App and start tracking. (Need a little help with the app?)
Skiing and riding a billion vertical feet in a single season is a big lift. But we can do it. Remember to fire up your app and track your vertical every day you make turns. Doing so will get us closer to raising $50,000 for mental wellness and resilience. We’ll post updates on the Challenge’s progress every week and award Descent shwag to participants, whether it be for their vertical, braving a particularly un-fun weather day, or simply for sharing their experience.
Thank you for being a part of the Descent to Rise Above.


The Descent to Rise Above Challenge is, at its heart, an opportunity for us to work together to support something we believe in by doing something we love. Since ‘Challenge’ is in the title though, there will be some elements of appreciation.
The top 3 vertical getters from each New England state and New York will receive:
1st place An Ikon or Sugarbush season pass
2nd place A Quad Pack
3rd place A $250 Sugarbush Gift Card
But more to the heart of the Challenge, each getter will receive a commemorative Descent to Rise Above trail sign with their vertical accomplishment burnished into it along with some Challenge SHWAG.
Be One of a Billion
The Descent to Rise Above: a ski and ride challenge to reach a billion vertical feet for mental health.
Does it matter which app I use?
No. If you have one or both the Sugarbush and Ikon apps, you can use them interchangeably with the new Single Sign-on feature, you can use the same Username/Email and Password to sign in to either app. But to keep it simple, only use the tracking feature in one of the apps during a day on the hill.Can I participate anonymously?
Your participation is tied to your username and login information for the Ikon and Sugarbush apps.Can I participate with friends?
Yes. You’re encouraged to get on the hill with friends and family while you track. Just know that any teams created within the apps will not accumulate a combined vertical amount. Only individual vertical is tracked.Can I track with uphill travel?
Yes! Every bit counts!Can I use both apps at the same time?
Who are we to tell you how to use that supercomputer in your jacket, but to keep things simple, only use the tracking feature in one of the apps during a day on the hill. With the apps’ new Single Sign-on feature, the vertical registered by both apps will only post for the single Username/email used to sign in to both apps.Can Sugarbush employees participate?
Yes. We encourage employees to join in the challenge. Employee participation will be tallied up in their own category and will also be receiving prizes for top vertical achieved.Do I have to donate to participate?
No. Participation, tracking, and downloading the app are all free! Participants are welcome to donate to the cause if they wish, but is not necessary to partake in the challenge.Do I need to turn on tracking every time I visit?
Yes. When you arrive, be sure to open your app and click on “TRAIL MAP & TRACKING.” And then simply click on “START TRACKING.” Make sure you have a full battery because you need to keep the app active in the background while you’re on the mountain. -
#1 - NEW Heaven's Gate QuadVertical Rise: 1449'
Intermediate to expert terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#2 - Super Bravo Express Quad
Vertical Rise: 1529'
Intermediate to expert terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#3 - Valley House QuadVertical Rise: 1245'
Intermediate to Expert Terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#4 - CastleRock Double
Vertical Rise: 1670'
Expert Only terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#5 - North Lynx Triple
Vertical Rise: 857'
Intermediate to expert terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#6 - Gate House Express Quad
Vertical Rise: 832'
beginner to advanced terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#7 - Village Quad
Vertical Rise: 275'
Beginner terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#8 - Welcome Mat
Vertical Rise: 100'
Beginner terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#9 - Summit Quad
Vertical Rise: 1041'
intermediate to expert terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#10 - North Ridge Express QuadVertical Rise: 1690'
intermediate to expert terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#11 - Green MTN Express Quad
Vertical Rise: 1495'
Beginner to intermediate terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#12 - Inverness Quad
Vertical Rise: 1098'
Beginner to advanced terrain
rich-text, responsive-table#13 - Sunshine Quad
Vertical Rise: 473'
Beginner to intermediate terrain
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Download either the Sugarbush or Ikon app. If you’re new to the app or just clicking on it for the first time this season, you’ll be asked what you’re looking to get from it this season. Select the ‘Descent to Rise Above’ in addition to what else you’d like. When you come to the mountain to contribute your vertical to the Challenge, open the app and click on “TRAIL MAP & TRACKING.” And then simply click on “START TRACKING.” Or you can use the Ikon Pass App. Same idea, when you come to the mountain to contribute your vertical to the Challenge, open the Ikon Pass App and hit Start Tracking.
rich-text, responsive-tableNOTE- If you have both the Sugarbush and Ikon apps, you can use them interchangeably as with the new Single Sign-on feature, you can use the same Username/Email and Password to sign in to either app. But to keep it simple, only use the tracking feature in one of the apps during a day on the hill.
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Life’s journey often brings us to challenging descents before we rise above. As part of the Descent to Rise Above Challenge, we invite you to share your story about navigating mental health challenges. Whether it's a moment of vulnerability, a breakthrough, or a small step toward healing, your experience can help inspire others on their own path. Your story can be shared anonymously, allowing for openness and honesty in a safe space.
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