So, Who Are you?

Ikon Pass Blank
1. I'm all in.

Well then, you want a Sugarbush Local or Ikon Pass. Depending on which Ikon Pass you go with, you’ll have seven-day-a-week access to both Lincoln Peak and Mt. Ellen. A Sugarbush Local Pass will get you on both mountains, but only midweek access to Lincoln Peak as well as access early and late season when Mt. Ellen isn’t open.

If you’re of the all-in mindset, but aren’t exactly a morning person, who are we to judge. Just grab a NEW Last Chair Pass. It gives you unlimited skiing and riding at both peaks all season long from 1:00 pm until the last chair of the day.

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2. I’m shooting for at least four days.
OK, a Quad Pack it is. An unrestricted one will get you four any-time tickets for $132 each and the midweek-only QP gives your four for just $107 each. And both are completely transferable meaning you can dole out your days to friends and/or family who made the mistake of buying a pass at a different mountain. Quad Packs are OFF SALE for the 2023/24 winter season.
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3. I think Life’s TBD each day.
We like your whimsy and you’re going to love the NEW Third Best Deal ticket. It's a $99 discount lift ticket that comes with a FREE bonus day that can be used in the spring. NOTE: This is called the 'Third Best Deal' because it is non-transferable meaning you can't give it away. It's all yours.

See now why you don’t want to wait to get a ticket? Seriously, grab TBD Discount Lift tickets now.